Your simplified journey in learning how to code.

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In this tutorials, we are going to try the most minimal and simplistic approach in learning.


To not get bored by traditional learning, we are going to focus on building with the learning as side effects.

Real-World Applications

Except for the introductions, we are going to be building real world applications during our programming learning process.

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Latest Blogs

June 30, 2024

Journey with Rust

June 30, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Over the years, I have tried and give up on learning systems programming languages. I have tried both C and C++. Both are great languages from what I read and the proof are there. It's just that maybe I can't comprehend enough especially on the concept of manual memory management.


June 17, 2024

Version Control with Github

June 17, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, choosing the right platform for version control and project management can make all the difference. GitHub, a powerhouse in the realm of software development, offers a plethora of features that can streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of using GitHub and briefly touch upon some notable alternatives to help you make an informed choice.



April 27, 2024

It's already another leap after completing the last chapter of the course! I hope you successfully completed the deployment of your static site with Deploy Checklist App to Netlifyopen in new window.

In the next chapter, we will be dealing with a full stack web application. We will be using python in the backend!

What we will build is a photogallery of geotagged images that shows a map with the pins for the images with geolocations.

In this chapter, we will learn more about the general-purpose programming with python and how to use it in web development.

I hope you are excited as I am! See you there!